Image text: "Plumbing Industry Trends in 2022"

The Future of the Plumbing Industry: Trends to Expect In 2022

Innovative Plumbing Industry trends are again apparent in 2022 and here are a few of which all plumbers should be aware of. Just like other industries, the plumbing industry has seen a great revolution in the past few years bringing on greener and more sustainable plumbing solutions. From solar-powered heating systems to self-diagnosing pipes, the industry has come up with such technological products that it is amazing.

So, if you are a business owner in the plumbing industry, you need to stay ahead of the trends or be aware of them. Imagine that your customer wants an automatic bidet toilet, but you have no idea how to install that!

What would happen? You will lose one customer, and then the word would spread that your company is old school, and your potential customers will choose a more well-versed plumbing agency.

To help you avoid this fate, we have carefully outlined the plumbing trends you should expect in 2022, so if you have not already, you can now immediately get on board with them.

They are:

1.     Low Carbon Heat Pumps

Low carbon heating systems are becoming a thing this year and will continue to be a trending technology in the year 2022. These pumps will become an affordable solution for the coming generation as they are more aware of cheap, quality, and sustainable technology for their homes.

The government of several countries like the UK, France, and Germany also gave incentives to homeowners to switch from gas boilers to low-carbon heated pumps.

If you are wondering why this switch will help your customers? Let us explain, heat pumps are a great way to lower CO2 emissions by swapping gas with captured heat from outside the house or within.

This not only lowers the gas bill it is also better for the environment. So, watch out for heat pump installations in the UK as more and more people opt for them instead of the traditional boilers.

2.     Grey Water Recycling System

The greywater recycling system is already in use by a large chunk of the population in developing countries, and it will continue to be a trending product in the coming year as well.

Greywater refers to the wasted or leftover water from sinks, bathtubs, washing machines, dryers, and various other kitchen appliances. It is considered relatively cleaner than black water. It saves you a lot of water which is designed in such a way that the technology is used to capture water for reuse.

However, this water is not recommended for reuse for humans, but it can be used for watering the plants or in the outdoor sprinkler system, etc. Familiarize yourself with this invention as it will become commonplace in 2021.

Image text: "Plumbing Industry Trends in 2022"

3.     Ageing Pipes

Do you know that many of the pipelines in London are more than 100 years old? No wonder they are leaking!

Residents of big cities are now aware of ageing pipes in old cities. Therefore, you might encounter a lot of customers who want you to replace or reline the pipes on their property.

Given the growing demand for replacing old pipes, you should be aware of what the signs of ageing pipes are, and second, you need to be aware of new types of pipes and innovative installation methods. For example, thin polymer lining is a popular and innovative solution for ageing pipes.

Train your employees with the right tools, training, methodologies, and the knowledge to handle replacing or relining old pipes. Moreover, you need to make sure that you don’t disrupt the gas flow during piping fixtures. You can recommend your clients to get a gas inspection and renew their gas safety certificates in Middlesex after piping fixtures to make sure gas lines are not affected.

4.     Solar Powered Heating Solutions

Consumers today are very conscious about the environment and therefore are very conscious about the environment and are opting for greener solutions—solar-powered heating solutions like energy-efficient water heaters.

You can also expect to see more solar-powered water heaters shortly, which is why you and your employees need to have experience and training with regard to installing solar-powered heating solutions.

5.     Self-Diagnosing Pipes

Leaking gas pipes is one of the main leading concerns when it comes to domestic fires. This is why technology now exists where the pipes can create an alarming system as soon as there is some damage or leakage.

Smart and artificial appliances have now become a thing, and new products are coming in every day with emerging new technologies and systems that can make the detection easier for a plumber and then fix it.

6.     Trenchless Technology

Trenchless technology offers you alternatives that will help you to work more efficiently. For example, you can replace the traditional system of replacing and repairing pipes with other alternatives. In this way, you don’t just help your customers save money on water usage but also provide them with efficient and easy solutions.

This technology requires less manual labour, which in turn saves the plumbing company some money and time as well. So, for example, if you are replacing or installing sewer lines, you only need to dig up the starting and the ending points.

7.     The Industry and Competition are Growing

The plumbing industry is growing rapidly, and so is the competition. And not is the competition now easy, but it is well-aware of technological advances and comes up with all sorts of Gen-Z-friendly tools and applications.

So, get on the bandwagon of technology, have a website and applications ready for your customer to make their experience of availing services easier and make them easy to understand what services you are offering

8.     Energy Saving Products

Since the new homeowner is very conscious about using environment-friendly and greener products and saving every penny, a lot of them will invest in energy-saving products. These products are not easily available in the market as well.

So again, your employees must be familiar with the products, their advantages, and their installation process. This is why you need to give adequate training to your employees as well, so they don’t end up ruining your client’s home in experimentation and also don’t end up harming themselves.

Plumbing Industry Trends: Plumbing In 2021 Is Greener and More Sustainable Than Ever

The future of the plumbing industry is filled with all sorts of technological trends. So, if you are in the business, you need to get on the bandwagon and get ahead of these trends if you possibly can.

So, familiarize yourself with solar-heated tanks, energy-saving products, greywater systems, pipe renewals, installation of smart technology and trenchless technology, etc.

The trends we mentioned above are going to conquer the plumbing industry in the year 2022, so we hope you are well equipped and well trained in the mentioned technology! Once you offer all these trendy services to your clients, your plumbing business is bound to prosper and deliver profits.

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